Pillars of the



Connected Exploration

Fellows will explore their leadership development in cohorts of up to 25 colleagues, meeting twice a month for 1-3 hours at a time. Led by two experienced facilitators, these sessions are an opportunity to explore whatever is emerging in the Fellows’ experiences. Discussions may cover arenas including self-awareness, balancing polarities and tensions, trust, influence without authority, design thinking, equity-centered decision-making, innovation, community engagement, trauma-informed leadership, celebrating failure and vulnerability, and more.

Virtual is the world in which we now work, so we will cultivate connection via Zoom in new and deeply human ways. This also an opportunity to decolonize and promote equity, so all Fellows—regardless of location—can participate fully.



Dive Deep

Leadership isn’t one thing. It’s a unique path you will find through learning cutting edge ways of leading. It will take courage so get ready. Fellows will be guided through learning loops during their leadership development journey:

  • Emergent strategy & facilitation. Learn how to lead a group with all voices heard to align in one direction. Practice being able to walk into a room and know what is needed next by asking great questions and allowing for emergence.

  • Systems leadership. Learn to lead highly diverse groups to meaningful solutions through co-creation. These techniques simultaneously work to transcend our current oppressive systems for the long-term.

  • Equity-centered design. Understand the beginnings of design thinking and why it is a paradigm shift for global public health. Then begin to move it into social and community elements of our work.



Personalized Engagement.

To support the Fellows in making sense of their experiences and learnings, each Fellow will be offered two 1-hour personalized engagement sessions. These can be in the form of executive coaching, professional advising, or space-holding sessions, and can be done 1:1 or in self-selected groups of up to four.

  • Coaching: A non-advisory relationship around one’s professional or personal goals using a range of methods from organizational and leadership disciplines. Coaching sessions are with professionally trained & certified executive leadership coaches.

  • Advising: Sharing professional or subject matter expertise and suggesting solutions to navigate current challenges or pursuits.

  • Space-holding: Guided sessions or intentional group coaching on topics aligned to our program principles of equity, relationality, emergence, co-creation, and transformation.



Navigate Challenges.

Throughout their leadership development journey, Fellows will be supported to notice when there is an opportunity to step up in leadership within CDC or in the wider global health ecosystem. Successful completion of The Unnamed Road will require Fellows to lead in their environments, both individually and collaboratively. Facilitators are skilled at helping Fellows identify these emerging opportunities to take leadership, which in itself is a leadership skill.

To have the most impact in their efforts inside a large organization like CDC, Fellows will also be encouraged to develop basic organizational design literacy through resources like those from The Ready, an organizational design and transformation company.



All Fellows who successfully complete the program will be professionally certified by DSIL Global. DSIL Global’s leadership development programs are accredited with the United Nations University of Peace (UPEACE).

If desired, Fellows can choose to take two additional courses at UPEACE to gain their Diploma in Global Leadership.